Our Services

Core Drilling

Core drilling is a type of drilling technique used to obtain cylindrical samples (cores) from solid materials such as rock, concrete, asphalt, or metal. The core samples are then used for geological, mining, construction, or engineering purposes. 

The process provides a high-quality sample that can be used to determine the physical and chemical properties of the material being drilled. This technique is commonly used in the oil and gas industry, mineral exploration, geotechnical engineering, and construction.

Non-Core Drilling

Non-core drilling, also known as percussion drilling or rotary drilling, is a type of drilling technique used to obtain samples of soil or rock for geotechnical, environmental, or mining purposes. Unlike core drilling, non-core drilling does not produce cylindrical samples but instead generates a continuous borehole or a series of discrete boreholes. 

There are several types of non-core drilling methods, including auger drilling, rotary drilling, and reverse circulation (RC) drilling. The choice of drilling method depends on the type of material being drilled, the depth of the borehole, and the required sample size. 

Non-core drilling is typically faster and less expensive than core drilling, and it is used in a wide range of industries, including geotechnical engineering, environmental consulting, and mineral exploration.

Core Logging & Sampling

Core logging and sampling are important steps in the process of mineral exploration and evaluation, as they provide important information about the geology, mineralogy, and mineralization of a mineral deposit. 

Core Logging involves the examination and description of the rock and mineral specimens obtained from drilling programs, which is than further examined by a geologist to know about its mineralogy, textures, structures, and other characteristics. The observation is further used to determine the quality and quantity of minerals present in the deposit. 

Sampling involves the collection of representative samples of the rock or mineral deposit for laboratory analysis. This helps to determine the concentration of minerals present in the deposit and the potential for it to be economically viable.

The key components of the process are:

  • Lithology description
  • Mineral identification and quantification
  • Structural analysis
  • Alteration mineral mapping
  • Core recovery estimation
  • Geotechnical properties
  • Assaying (determining the mineral content)

Field Studies

Field studies are a crucial step in the process of exploring and evaluating mineral deposits. These studies involve collecting and analyzing data from a specific area to determine if it has the potential to contain minerals and if so, in what quantities. The studies provide valuable information about the potential mineral resources of an area and are used to make informed decisions about future exploration and development activities.

Here is a general outline of the steps involved in performing field studies for mineral exploration:

1. Reconnaissance: A preliminary survey of the area to identify any potential mineralization based on surface observations, such as rock outcrops, mineralization, and changes in vegetation.

2. Sampling: Collection of rock, soil, and water samples from the area for laboratory analysis. This helps to determine the presence and composition of minerals in the area.

3. Mapping: Detailed mapping of the area to create a topographic and geologic map, which provides information on the geology, structure, and mineralization of the area.

4. Geophysical Surveys: Use of various geophysical techniques, such as magnetometer surveys, electromagnetic surveys, and gravity surveys, to determine the subsurface structure of the area and the presence of minerals.


5. Drilling: If the results of the field studies are promising, drilling programs may be conducted to obtain core samples and determine the size, shape, and grade of the mineral deposit.

6. Analysis: Laboratory analysis of the samples collected during field studies to determine the mineral composition and concentrations.

7. Interpretation: Interpretation of the data collected from field studies to make decisions about further exploration and development.

These field studies provide valuable information about the potential mineral resources of an area and are used to make informed decisions about future exploration and development activities.

Topographic & Geological Maps

Topographic and Geological maps are essential tools in mineral exploration and evaluation. They provide a visual representation of the surface and subsurface features of an area, including the location of mineral deposits and the geology of the area. This caluable information is used to make informed decisions about the potential for further exploration and development activities.

 A topographic map is a type of map that shows the terrain and elevations of an area, including mountains, valleys, and other surface features. Topographic maps are created using data from aerial photographs, satellite images, and other sources, and are often used in conjunction with geological maps to provide a more complete picture of an area. 

A geological map, on the other hand, shows the distribution of different types of rocks and minerals in an area. It is created by mapping the surface and subsurface geology of an area, including the location and orientation of rock formations, faults, and other geological features. Geological maps are used to understand the geology of an area and the potential for mineral deposits.

Drilling Reports

We prepare visual representation of the results obtained from any drilling program, including the locations and depths of the drill holes, and the geology and mineralization of the area. The report includes AutoCAD or GIS-based Histograms and Cross Sections, where Histograms are used to display the distribution of mineral concentrations or grades, while Cross Sections are used to display the distribution of minerals and geology in a vertical or Cross-Sectional view.

The drilling report process typically involves:

1. Data collection: Collecting data from the drilling program, including the locations and depths of the drill holes, the geology and mineralization of the area, and any other relevant information.

2. Data processing: Processing the data collected from the drilling program, including the calculation of mineral concentrations and grades.

3. Data analysis: Analyzing the processed data to determine the distribution of minerals and geology in the area.

4. Report preparation: Using AutoCAD or GIS to create histograms and cross sections to display the results of the data analysis.

5. Report presentation: Presenting the results of the drilling program in a clear and concise manner, including a summary of the findings, a discussion of the significance of the results, and any recommendations for future exploration and development activity.

Reserve Estimations Maps

Reserve Estimations Maps are graphical representation of data about the earth’s subsurface, typically created by geologists, geophysicists, and other experts in the field, who use a variety of methods, including aerial surveys, ground-based observations, and geophysical imaging. The experts analyze the data to identify areas that are likely to contain deposits of valuable resources, and create maps that show the estimated location and size of these deposits. The maps can provide valuable information for resource exploration and management.

The process of preparing maps include:

1. Data Collection: The first step is to gather data from drill holes, including information on the depth, location, and composition of the subsurface materials.

2. Data Analysis: Next, the collected data is analyzed to identify areas with high concentrations of valuable minerals or resources. This analysis typically involves statistical methods such as kriging or inverse distance weighting, which allow geologists to estimate the amount of resources in a given area based on the data collected from drill holes.

3. Map Creation: Based on the results of the data analysis, a map is created that shows the estimated location and amount of reserves in the proposed area. This map can be a 2D or 3D representation of the subsurface, and may include information on the depth and thickness of the resource layer, as well as the estimated volume and grade of the resources present.

4. Validation: The final step is to validate the results of the reserve estimation to ensure that the map accurately reflects the true distribution of resources in the area. This may involve additional drilling, or re-analysis of the data using different methods, to confirm the results.

Preparation & Digitization of Maps

Preparing and digitizing different types of maps is a common task in the field of geology and resource management. The different type of maps that cater but not limited to:

1. Key Map: A Key Map is a small-scale map that shows the location of a larger area in relation to surrounding regions. This map can be created using Geographic Information System (GIS) software or by overlaying the proposed area on a larger-scale base map. Once created, the Key Map can be digitized and saved in a GIS format for easy access and analysis.

2. Surface Contour Map: A Surface Contour Map shows the shape of the earth’s surface in a particular area, and is used to visualize topographical features such as hills, valleys, and waterways. This map can be created using GIS software and digital elevation data, and can be digitized to create a digital Surface Contour Map that can be easily analyzed and manipulated.

3. Isopach Map: An Isopach Map shows the thickness of a layer of rock or sediment at different locations within an area. This map can be created using data from drill holes or other subsurface measurements, and can be digitized using GIS software to create a digital Isopach Map that can be easily analyzed and compared to other maps.


4. OB Ratio Map: An OB Ratio Map shows the ratio of overburden (the material above a resource layer) to the thickness of the resource layer at different locations within an area. This map can be created using data from drill holes or other subsurface measurements, and can be digitized using GIS software to create a digital OB Ratio map that can be easily analyzed and compared to other maps.

5. Top Bottom Thickness Map: A Top Bottom Thickness Map shows the thickness of a resource layer at different locations within an area. This map can be created using data from drill holes or other subsurface measurements, and can be digitized using GIS software to create a digital Top Bottom Thickness Map that can be easily analyzed and compared to other maps.

Pre Auction Geological Reports

We prepare pre-auction geological report as per the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) and based on the rules framed by the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM). Here’s a general outline of the process:

1. Data Collection: The first step is to gather all relevant geological data for the area, including information on the geology, mineralogy, geophysics, and geochemistry of the subsurface. This data can come from a variety of sources, including drilling, remote sensing, and geological surveys.

2. UNFC Classification: The next step is to classify the resources based on the UNFC framework. This involves categorizing the resources into four main categories: exploration, inferred, indicated, and measured, based on the quality and quantity of the data available.

3. Rules of IBM: The UNFC classification must be done in accordance with the rules set by the IBM. This includes guidelines on the minimum amount of data required for each category, and the procedures for estimating the volume and quality of the resources.

4. Reserve Estimation: Based on the data collected and the UNFC classification, a reserve estimation is carried out to determine the size and quality of the resources in the area. This estimation should be based on accepted industry methods and standards, and should be reviewed by independent experts to ensure its accuracy.

5. Report Preparation: Once the data has been analyzed and the reserve estimation completed, a pre-auction geological report is prepared. This report should include a detailed description of the geology of the area, the results of the UNFC classification and reserve estimation, and any relevant information on the rules and regulations set by the IBM.

6. Review and Approval: The final step is to review and approve the report, ensuring that it meets the requirements set by the IBM and the UNFC framework. This may involve additional analysis and revisions, as well as input from independent experts.

A pre-auction geological report is a critical document for resource exploration and management, and should be prepared by experienced geologists and other experts in the field. The report provides important information on the subsurface resources in a given area, and is used to guide decision-making for resource exploration, development, and management.